Saturday, March 17, 2012


I have decided that I do love networking! Well at least the meeting other people at functions thing. I was so nervous about going to my friend Linda's open house but, it was really great fun and I met so many people with in my industry or at least related to my industry. It was very uplifting. After speaking with a few people, I learned a lot about what they do and they even helped me learn some about myself.

One pretty big breakthrough was learning that I am conflicted. I know that seems strange and I should have known that but, this pain in my solarplexes is from that and yet it has taken me until now to realize that I am very conflicted. It has been this sort of unconscious confliction between my father's values that he believed for me and my own values for myself. I did not even realize it was still there. I know this is the reason for my over active solar plexes (manipura) chakra. When he mentioned it, I felt it. I truly need to beleive in myself and trust myself and in return trust others too.

On a physical level, have have sourly neglected backbends in my yoga practice. That truly explains my pulled hamstring as I am in the habit of doing more than my fair share of folding forward. That will change and be worked in my daily practice.

Happy St Patty's day. Let the green remind you of LOVE. The love in your own heart and the love we have for others. As you can only receive what you can also give. Namaste.

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